Lawrence Eldon Northup Jr. - Мемориальный вебсайт онлайн

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Lawrence Northup Jr.
Родился вIowa
58 years
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Maura Northup You would be such a proud and happy grandpa February 5, 2012
Hello my love,
Our first grandchild was born on February 2, 2012 in Knoxville, TN. Your son build a home for his family from the ground up mostly on his own.
Adriana Nicole Northup was born at 2:37 P.M. She was 5 lb and 4 oz and was 19 inc. long. She is our little angel and our family is estatic. Wish she could have gotten to know you my love. I can't wait to see her and holder but I will have to wait until March or April. Steven kept me informed and when they got home from the hospital Mommy Kelle promptly send me pictures that I'm now sharing with you.
What a gift for Valentine's Day it couldn't have been better. Uncle Maurice is so proud of being an uncle and of his little brother. 

Your partner in and for life

Memories? Everything about you is a wonderful memory! It's hard to remember what life was like before we met the important part is having you into it and what we built together.

I lost you two years ago and still cannot believe that you are really gone, I still feel your presence around me and feel that you can still know what's in my heart and mind.

Remember you promised to take care of me always, I'm holding you to that. I needed you before and need you now, and always will t'ill we are together again. Your family misses you, I'm lost without you.


I hope and pray that the Government you served with such love, dedication and honor will one day make right the wrongs they have done to you; depriving you of  the earned benefits and true quality medical care that resulted on us loosing you prematurely. Ciao Lorenzo, ti amo. Maura

Sheila Delgadillo

I meet Maura & Larry when I was working at Norfolk Naval Base at The BOQ when this couple came to me asking for a room to stay for 1 night, I will never forget that warmth, the most beautiful connection between 2 human beings, that was my perception when I saw them, He had a very nice sense of humor he was joking and make me smile and I was having a hard time at work. The love of these two make me wonder how it would be my life in the future with my Hubby Marlon when we get there. They looked so much in love and happy. Since then My dear Bella and I have been friends and shared messages and hoping we can see each other soon. I appreciate the friedship and the true meaning of LOVE the 2 of you show me. From Guam my Marlon & I send you our condolences and LOVE and praying that you can find your peace.


Ciao Bella,


Maura Northup
Lurch, my love: We have come a long way together, we learned, laughed and fought but...we were always in love. We raised two boys, made allot of friends and shared everything. Because of you, I am a better person. You were positive, had a great sense of humor and never stopped smiling even when things were at their worse. Now I am lost without you, while I know you were in allot of pain, I feel that I've lost you twice: Once as the love of my life and also as my best friend. Through your illness, you were sweet, kind and always greateful, part of me went with you and I know you will guide me the rest of the way until we can be together again. Your loving wife, Maura
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