Lawrence Eldon Northup Jr. - Online Memorial Website

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Lawrence Northup Jr.
Född i Iowa
58 years
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Gina Brown A Great Loss December 20, 2007

Mr. Northup was a wonderful man who touched the hearts of everyone.

 He was my counsiler in Albuquerque Job Corps back in  1994. He was always there when I needed him. Also quick to put me in my place if I got out of hand. I respected him and now I think I looked at him as a father figure. When your 1000 miles from anyone you know, The friends you make you never forget

 I remember the day I left Job Corps. I had not completed my training and he was very upset with me for leaving. I never forgot him. I remeber a bunch of us students attacking him his first day back at work after having a heart attack. We were so excited he was back.

 He truely has touched my life and even though we haven't spoke since 1994. He will always be in my heart.  Thank you Larry for keeping me in line, I will never

forget you. You are truely an angel.

Gina Brown A Great Loss December 20, 2007

Mr. Northup was a wonderful man who touched the hearts of everyone.

 He was my counsiler in Albuquerque Job Corps back in  1994. He was always there when I needed him. Also quick to put me in my place if I got out of hand. I respected him and now I think I looked at him as a father figure. When your 1000 miles from anyone you know, The friends you make you never forget

 I remember the day I left Job Corps. I had not completed my training and he was very upset with me for leaving. I never forgot him. I remeber a bunch of us students attacking him his first day back at work after having a heart attack. We were so excited he was back.

 He truely has touched my life and even though we haven't spoke since 1994. He will always be in my heart.  Thank you Larry for keeping me in line, I will never

forget you. You are truely an angel.

Gina Brown A Great Loss December 20, 2007

Mr. Northup was a wonderful man who touched the hearts of everyone.

 He was my counsiler in Albuquerque Job Corps back in  1994. He was always there when I needed him. Also quick to put me in my place if I got out of hand. I respected him and now I think I looked at him as a father figure. When your 1000 miles from anyone you know, The friends you make you never forget

 I remember the day I left Job Corps. I had not completed my training and he was very upset with me for leaving. I never forgot him. I remeber a bunch of us students attacking him his first day back at work after having a heart attack. We were so excited he was back.

 He truely has touched my life and even though we haven't spoke since 1994. He will always be in my heart.  Thank you Larry for keeping me in line, I will never

forget you. You are truely an angel.

Steve "Gator" Johns My Friend Lurch May 25, 2007

My Friend Lurch,

I met "Lurch " in the early 70's.  We were stationed together at Kirtland AFB. I was an airman, him a SSgt.  My nickname was "Gator" because I grew up in Starke, Fla. He was Lurch-no explanation needed. I looked up to him-in more ways than one!  He was an awesome mechanic and a true friend.  He would always work on my Mach I, and I in turn would go dune buggy riding with him in the Sandia mountains.  If I visited in his room and could not walk out because of the ‘liquids’ I found in his room, Lurch would gently carry me to my room.  If I needed anything, Lurch was there. He was warm and gentle, a fun-loving friend that I miss. We lost touch and after 30 years he found me and we got to see each other again-what a sweet reunion.  Mara, my condolences to you and your family. May God comfort and bless you all. Revelation 7:17

Stephen L. Johns, CMSgt, USAF (ret)



vonceil vows lived April 12, 2007
It has been an honor and a priviledge to be a part of your lives.  I have seen love lived and vows honored.  I know that you will continue to love and to live.  Thank you for who you are.
Marilyn Oliver Our condolences April 11, 2007

I didn't get a chance to meet Larry, but through Maura, I was able to share a small part in his life.  My family and I, are so sorry for your loss and send our condolences to the Northup family.


Father of mercies and God of all consolation, You pursue us with untiring love and dispel the shadow of death with the bright dawn of light.

Comfort this family in their loss and sorrow. Be their refuge and their strength, O Lord, and lift them, from the depths of grief into the peace and light of Your Presence.

Rod Holland Fellow V.N. Vet. April 11, 2007

Larry was, and still will be part of our P.T.S.D. Group that meets every Tuesday. Larry was usually always there first. He was always a very happy person , even though there were times that he had problems with the VA, or the phone company.

From the time Larry became ill until he left us, he was a man of courage, happiness, and dignity. Even though Larry wasn't at our last 2 meetings, he was part of everyones personal thoughts, and feelings, and how he has affected our lives.

Please accept my condolences, and may you find peace in time.

Rod Holland

Brenda Northup Wells Niece April 11, 2007

I am grateful for the times my dad got to spend with his brother, my uncle Eldon. They were quite the pair together !

Rest In Peace.

George H. Northup Big Brother April 10, 2007

Eldon always was and always will be my big brother and mostly my hero. my heart

aches for our talks of the old wild and wooly old days when we were growing up, but we had great times and this will be some of my most cherished memories. A great American ,veteran and patriot he served his country in war and peace. I am flying my flag at half mast in his honor ; GOD bless....little brother George

Nancy L Ruth & Dean Love & Hugs April 10, 2007
I know your sorrow and words can't erase the pain.   Only time can ease it.   Our loved ones gone from us, live on in our hearts and minds.  Keep the best memories alive always.   All our love and hugs,   Nancy & Dean
Shanae Condolence April 9, 2007
I only met Larry a couple of times and after he had already fell sick, I quickly became attatched to his wife Maura who is a short little Italian with the biggest heart of anyone I know. Through their times near the end they were still smiling and hoping for the best. I am honored to have got to meet Larry the man who kept Maura on her toes.
Wendy & Bob Mercer Condolence April 9, 2007
To the Northup Family,

We are so deeply sorry for your loss.  May your memories serve to help you through this diffiicult time.  Mr. Larry was always such fun to be around and his sense of humor was just wonderful.  Our hearts and prayers are with you, with all of our love.
Barbara Rowland Owner, Java Joy, VA Hospital April 8, 2007
I'm a better person for knowing Larry.
Gene Blythe Condolence April 7, 2007

 I am sorry to hear of your loss, I didn't know him very long but what time I knew

 him, he was always a wonderful uplifting person.


 I  send my CONDOLENCES to you and your family. 

 If you need anything at all I will be glad to help all I can.


                 May the GOOD LORD be with all of you in your time of sorrow.  


                                                                         Gene Blythe






Jim Weins Fellow Vietnam Vetern April 7, 2007
Although we never met, but we talked and new each others problems with cancer, we will always be brothers, and some day we will meet and be with our other Vietnam brothers in heaven, for only we will know what true botherhood is really about. My heart goes out to you and your family. Your brother in arms forever, Jim Weins. 
Debbie Cox Mercer Lord He made he laugh April 7, 2007

I am sorry for this loss of this wonderful father, husand and man who could make you laugh in spite of yourself.  Shame on our Government, for not helping soldiers lives be better instead of worse, some gave all, all gave a lot. 


Your world has changed with this loss, & it will never be quite be same.  So in many way you are looking at your new world as though you are looking through the eyes of a child.  Let the child in you view your new world with respect, and wonder for the human sufferage that is ours to create and ours to make improve by our own actions.  DL

Angela Partecipiamo al grande dolore. April 7, 2007

Maura, Mauretta cara,

non ho parole se non un abbraccio forte a Te, Stefano, Maurizio e Kelle.

Vi abbraccio sul cuore, miei cari, e Vi abbracciano tutti i miei Figli e la mia Mamma.

Una preghiera per Lorenzo ci sarà da parte mia, ogni sera.

Ciao, Ti voglio bene.


Cristina, Max, Ely & Luciana Vi siamo vicini April 7, 2007

In questo momento di grande dolore vi siamo vicini con tutto il nostro amore. Un abbraccio fortissimo da parte nostra. Criss, Max, Ely & Luciana 

Bert, Brandon, & Misty Condolence April 7, 2007
To our great friend Maura and family,

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this hard time in your life.  We completely understand how you are feeling and what you are going through.  If there is ever anything that we can do for you please call.  Trust in God during this time and he will guide you through it all.  We love you and are praying daily for you.

Love always,

Bert Clark,
Brandon & Misty Conrad
Steve & Kelle Northup My loving father April 7, 2007

You are a part of everything I do and I have to say thanks. You had this strong heart that I wish everyone could have know as well as I did. I am the man I am today because I had you and mom to guide me through life. I love you Pop!


Silvia e Orlando Condoglianze April 7, 2007

Carissima Maura,

con grandissimo rammarico stamattina abbiamo ricevuto questa triste notizia.

Siamo molto dispiaciuti per il tuo carissimo marito!

Vi siamo vicini col pensiero e con le preghiere.

Cerca di farti forza e non abbatterti, pensa che ora il tuo caro marito non soffre più e che comunque la sua anima sarà sempre al tuo fianco.

Non sono brava a parlare in queste tristi situazioni , ma sappi che sarai sempre nei nostri pensieri e se verrai in Italia sappici dire qualcosa.

Un forte abbraccio da Silvia e Orlando

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